Los millennials plantean el mayor riesgo de seguridad

Los millennials plantean el mayor riesgo de seguridad

Informe de Citrix y The Ponemon Institute concluye que los millennials hacen que sea necesario cambiar la arquitectura de seguridad informática debido a que usan cada vez más aplicaciones, dispositivos móviles y nuevos métodos para compartir la información y colaborar que plantean nuevos riesgos de seguridad a las empresas.

Anónimos e impunes, ¿descripción adecuada de los ciberdelincuentes actuales?

Faceless and faithless – a true depiction of today’s cyber-criminals?

Opinion: Not that long ago, hackers emerged as modern-day Robin Hoods, digital heroes who relentlessly uncovered weaknesses in applications and networks to reveal the dangers of using technology carelessly. They are curious, provocative; love to know how things work and how they can be improved. Today, however, there is blight on their good name.

Measuring the High Costs of Web Malware Protection

Measuring the High Costs of Web Malware Protection

Opinion: A ransomware attack is terrible for consumers, employees and businesses – and you can put a price tag on recovery. Just as importantly, the costs of recovering from a ransomware or other cyberattack are fairly well understood… but how much should an organization spend to prevent one in the first place?

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